Chances are that you’re constantly worrying about how much water the pool loses per day if you have a pool. This question is simple for a backyard swimming pool with no treatment chemicals or filtration systems and only one pump.

All of your water is lost when your pump shuts off at night. But what if we’re talking about an above-ground swimming pool? How much does it lose? Is there any way to tell how many gallons are lost daily without installing a water meter in your house?
Well, here’s the good news: yes! And no!
How Much Water Is Lost from Your Pool Each Day
Pools lose about ¼ inch of water per day on average. But this can change depending on wind, temperature, humidity, and pool size.

The amount of water a pool loses per day can be calculated by taking the total volume of the pool and then dividing it by how many days it takes to fill up.
For instance, your pool loses about 1.25 gallons of water per day if you have a 2,500-gallon pool. It takes five days to fill this pool with clean water.
Why Does My Pool Lose Water?

The amount of water your pool loses depends on several factors, including the weather outside and how much water you use in your pool. The following are some of the most common causes of pool water loss:
Weathering occurs when wind or rain causes particles in the air to enter your pool through cracks or holes in its cover. This can increase chemical usage if you need to treat algae growth or other problems.
A small backyard patio or deck with an area covered by a shade of cloth can be a source of water loss during the hot summer months. Sunlight can heat your outdoor surfaces so much that they absorb moisture from your swimming pool, leading to more evaporation than usual.
Water Leaks
Water leaks from the skimmer, return plumbing, and filter system. These should be installed correctly and regularly maintained to prevent leaks.
The filtration system may be clogged with debris, algae, or hair. This can happen when you don’t clean the filter regularly enough or the pump is not powerful enough to push through dirt and debris.
Failed Pump
The pump fails, which causes water to leak out of the pool. The pump should be inspected every six months by a qualified technician. You may need to replace it with a new one that’s more powerful than before if it’s worn out or broken.
Do I Need Solar Cover to Reduce Water Loss in My Pool?
Your pool will lose some water daily as long as there’s air between the molecules.
The water loss from a pool is a natural process. The evaporation rate depends on temperature and humidity, so it’s essential to consider these two factors when estimating how much water your pool will lose daily.
The best way to reduce evaporation is to reduce the temperature of your pool. This will cause water to condense on any objects in contact with it, such as walls and floors. This condensation can be drained away manually or using an automatic drain hose attached to a pump or filter.
Suppose there are cracks in the liner or coping around your swimming pool. These cracks allow air between water molecules, causing them to evaporate faster than usual, thus losing more water! This means that repairing cracked liners or coping areas before putting in new ones will:
- Help prevent further damage over time
- Ensure maximum efficiency in all seasons without worrying about leaks happening more often than usual during the hot summer when temperatures rise quickly.
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Can Pool Water Loss Be Due to a Leak?
Many things can cause them to leak, even though pools are meant to be watertight. For example, seals can wear down, especially if you don’t regularly maintain your pool. Leaks can also occur if the plumbing or accessories for your pool, like light fixtures, stop working as they should.
Finding leaks as soon as possible is essential so you don’t waste money on water, heat, and chemicals. But finding them is also essential to keep your pool’s structure in good shape. Leaks that aren’t fixed can wash away the fill dirt in your pool and cause other expensive problems.
What Can Be Done To Stop Water Loss?
Try these steps when you start to wonder whether your pool is losing too much water:

- Check the pump system. Is it working correctly? Make sure your sump pump is working if you have one. The pumps should be run at least twice a week, even if it’s not raining, for at least an hour each time.
- Check the filter system. Replace your cartridge filter or skimmer with a new one every few months. Check your in-pool filter’s pressure level and clean it if necessary.
- Check the chemical concentrations in the water and adjust them if necessary by adding more chlorine or other chemicals to eliminate bacteria or algae that might thrive in your pool water.
- If necessary, adjust your pH level using an acid or alkaline stabilizer (e.g., baking soda).
Final Thoughts
We hope this article has helped you understand how much water your pool loses daily and why. Any pool losing water over time is inevitable, but you can minimize this effect by taking a few steps. Check out our guide “How Do I Know If My Pool Drain Is Leaking?” if you think it is more than evaporation